
Let's Make World Better


I, Robot (2004)

I, Robot
I, Robot

I, Robot (2004), films that have been successful getting ASCAP Award for Top Box Office Films and nominated for an Oscar for Best Achievement in Visual Effects in 2005, directed by Alex Proyas.

Films themed Science Fiction and Action, a story about the year 2035 where people are familiar with the robot NS 5. Where has established the trust of the public about a robot that always helps everyday tasks, but not with the detective Del Spooner (Will Smith), who suspect there was something wrong with the robot. Although robots have been tied by three major laws that would limit the robot from criminal acts.

Suspicion Del Spooner increasingly evident, when Dr. Alfred Lanning (James Cromwell) fell from the window of his office and died. He believes these murder and the culprit is a robot. The investigation began, but he was contested by various parties, to investigate in the office when Dr. Alfred Lanning, Detective Del Spooner find Sonny (Tudyk alan) robot created by Dr.. Alfred Lanning. Detective Del Spooner initially suspected sonny the murder of Dr. Sonny. Alfred Lanning. Fight between Detective Del Spooner anda Sunny can not be avoided, until Sonny finally escape through the window Workspace Dr. Alfred Lanning were broke.


Visual effects are shown in the film is quite riveting, at least if we think of the film was released in 2004, or about almost 9 years ago, so this movie get an Oscar nomination, for Best Achievement in Visual Effects in 2005. effects where robots appear so real, from the robot to move, run, fell to talking. One thing that is quite interesting, when sunny learning  winks, when saw Detektive Del Spooner doing it. Other than that a pretty good effect is also visible from the car used Detektive Del Spooner with navigation automatic, the ability to communicate with other devices, and playing the music for Detective Del Spooner when he wait for the information he ask to the car, this may already be in implemented a few years later, where now we know that google car has its own drive system.

Although in this film there is a robot (Sonny) are created equal, which is capable of learning from human emotions, such as happy, sad, winking even learned to give a sign to the other person to believe on him (At the time Detective Del Spooner Soony seen already) . But in terms of social, we can say very little chance of Humans replaced by robots. Examples of cases when Detektive Del Spooner had a car accident a few years earlier, when the two cars involved in the accident fell into the river, Detective Del Spooner is still trapped in his car, while another car was also trapped little girl, suddenly robot come and rescue Detective Del Spooner, but Detective Del Spooner then instruct the robot to save the little girl before, because the percentage of survival was smaller girl from him (he predicted 11%), but the robot still save Detective Del Spooner in advance, so that the little girl was not saved. This makes Detective Del Spooner felt something was not right with robots.
Besides man made robot that is certainly not independent of the error, this happens at the end of the story, which VIKI which have been created of artificial intelligence, Besides man made robot which certainly not independent of the error, this happens at the end of the story, where VIKI, which artificial intelligence have been created, grow beyond the limit so he controls the robot to do the revolution. But this does not happen to Sonny, the robot different. At the end of the story though the robot will still have the error that may be detrimental to humans, it is not impossible friendship between robot and human.


The Law Of Joker (Week 29)

Apa kabar bara sahabat joker'est.. udah lama gak posting nih... masih tentang kereta ekspres ke prancis nih... ha..ha.. yang baca mulai dari week 1 pasti tau maksud gw.. (Walau gw nulisnya gak tiap minggu... wkwkwk)

Apa yang terjadi di minggu ke 29 ini.. ayo tebak.. pastilah pada bisa tebak.. hari senin... gw ketemu dosen Sistem Informasi Manajemen gw... beliau ngajarin pengetahuan dasar.. sebenernye sih cuma kilas balik aja.. coz semester 2 gw dah dapet pengertian-pengertian dari matkul ini... ya jadi belum terlalu menarik lah..

Hari selasa.. gimana dengan hari keberuntungan gw ini... ha..ha.. hari ini gw dapet matkul Pengantar Sistem Penunjang Keputusan.. Dosen ngajarin dasar-dasar DSS (Decision Support System) atau bahasa indonesianya SPK (Sistem Penunjang Keputusan).. ya beliau pas ngajar sih emang baru "cuma" ngejelasin pengertian-pengertian aja.. tahapannya apa aja untuk bikin DSS ini... nah yang seru tuh pas di akhir pertemuan hari itu... Beliau nantang kita buat ikutan Kommit... kita disuruh bikin Paper yang akan di ikutkan ke Kommit itu.. (Kalo emang layak.. wkwkwk).. ini nih keren.. tau sendiri kan Kommit itu tingkatannya Nasional.. wkwkwk... hari pertama sahabat.. beliau udah ngasih tantangan itu.. Keren...  Oh ya... beliau juga ngasih tantangan lain.. walau sambil bercanda... kita di tantang bikin DSS buat memilih jodoh.. wkwkwk... gimana hubungannya perasaan cinta dengan ilmiah??? Cinta tuh kadang gak bisa di pikir pake nalar.. wkwkwk... you know what i mean...

Hari Rabu gimana... ya kita ketemu dosen Sistem Informasi,.. hari ini beliau biasa masih ngejelasin awal-awal aja.. pengertian-pengertian aja...

Hari Kamis... gw ketemu Dosen Pengantar Basis Data 1.. (Berarti ada basis data 2 ya.. asal jgn ampe 6 aja ntar kayak sinetron jaman dulu lagi...) Beliau ngajarnya keren... semuanya di inget di kepala... gak butuh tuh buku.. contek-contek catatan.. walau pun di hati gw juga ada negatif thinking... coz beliau gak bikin file presentasi.. kayak dosen-dosen yang lain.. jangan-jangan gaptek lg.. wkwkwk itu mah cuma negatif thinking aja.. coz begitu dia ngomong.. keliatan ko' aslinya... keren deh pokoknya...

Hari jumat gimana?? dah tau lah gak usah di bahas... dosen gw hari jumat ngajar juga semester lalu... dan beliau sibuk banget... jadi sering gak masuk dah biasa... Walau kadang-kadang ngeselin.. karna gak dapet libut kalo dosen sering gak masuk...

ini untuk minggu ini dulu sahabat.. sambung minggu depan lagi... keep share aura positif for our world...